22 Dec Christmas Week
What a week we’ve had in St. Finbarr’s! We have been practising every day for the Christmas Performance happening this Friday. The choir have been filling the hallways with the beautiful sound of Christmas songs. Senior and first class have been practising the Nativity play.
Each class has had a Movie Day and a chance to wear their pjs into school, which was a lot of fun. We had a visit from Gerry Creighton who told us all about his work with the elephants, which was very interesting.
We also had the Garda Band in to visit on Wednesday, along with a very special visit from Santa!
We’re looking forward to the big Christmas Celebration tomorrow – all welcome to the hall for 9.15, followed by tea, coffee and some treats in the Breakfast Club where we will draw names for the raffle.
A big thank you to the parents who so kindly gave donations and gifts for the raffle, and for buying raffle tickets. We appreciate all of your support.
We wish you a very happy and safe Christmas and we will see you in the New Year!