17 Apr Courses and Supports for Parents
There are lots of supports and courses available in the school and in the Cabra/Finglas Area. Please have a read below and see if there is anything that you might be interested in.
Parents self-care workshop for parents of children with additional needs, next Monday 22nd of April, see flyer below and click here to sign up
Circle of Security, a programme to help you support your child’s emotional well-being, is running in St. Catherine’s on Thursdays from the 2nd of May, see flyer below and click here to register.
Better Finglas have a range of events and courses happening from April click here to access the links.
See below for flyers for a Yoga and Sleep Issues course and an ADHD course for parents.
The Cabra CFSN Disability sub-group has also compiled a list of supports to help families find after school activities for children and young people with additional needs. The link below will be updated regularly, so please save it or check back regularly. Click here to see the Padlet