10 May Green Flag Success
For the last 2 years we have been working hard in the hope of achieving our 4th Green Flag, whilst also maintaining the previous three flags of Litter and Waste, Water and Energy. On Thursday the 7th of May, we received word that we had not only been successful in keeping our previous flags, but that we have also achieved our 4th flag under the theme of Travel.
We have been very busy and worked very hard to achieve this. We completed transport surveys, held scooter and bike days, odd sock day as well as many others activities. By the end we had increased awareness on the importance of walking or cycling instead of driving and we could see these results in our surveys.
Big thanks to Allison, our travel officer from An Taisce who helped us along the way and a special thanks to our very diligent Green Committee for all of their hard work. Well done!
A special word of congratulations to Lucas, Soran, Niall and Caleb. These boys represented our school during our renewal visit. They all showed skills of leadership, communication and team work during the renewal interview.
We will celebrate our achievement when we get back to school in September!
Pictured here is a transport project by the boys in Ms. Nyland’s 2nd class