St Finbarr’s Boys National School

Happy Halloween!

We’re really looking forward to Freaky Friday tomorrow in the school, it is always a great day in Finbarr’s, the excitement has been building all week! We want to give a big thank you to the parents who came in to decorate the lobby, it really creates a great atmosphere in the school. There are a few events happening in the community over the Halloween season that might be of interest. See posters below for details.

FREE Halloween Baby dress up party for 0-2years and their carers/parents on Friday October 27th 11am – 12pm, Cabra Library

Free Zombie Run for up to 12 year olds on October 31st 12pm –2pm, Cabra Parkside (The Bogies)

Halloween Disco for 10-13 year olds on October 31st 5.30pm – 6.30pm, Cabra Parkside (The Bogies)

Halloween Disco for 14-17 year olds on October 31st 7.00pm – 8.00pm, Cabra Parkside (The Bogies)


We hope you all have a lovely week off and we will see you back on Monday the 6th of November.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!

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