11 Feb Sensory Trail Project
Some of the boys in 5th class went above and beyond for Action Day and created an impressive sensory trail in the hall. They wrote the blog post below – well done boys!
We designed a sensory trail. First we had to make a plan, we had lots of ideas, for example a rainbow walk, ABC hopscotch, a balancing snake but we didn’t have enough time for all of them, so we picked the best ideas. We worked hard designing and making the different parts. We had lots of help. The 6th class boys helped us stick all the parts down. We checked the parts to see if they are stable. We made sure it was safe for the younger boys to use. Junior and Senior infants made the feet.
The boys in Rang 7, Junior infants, Senior infants and 1st class all had a go on the trail.They had lots of fun and we had lots of fun making it.
By Leon Jones, Simon Burko, Darragh Bradley, Cristian Lupu and Bobby Jack McCabe.